This activity idea was created by Pam Donkin with help from Patricia Shih
Grade: PreK-grade 3
Concept: Create a “Planting Seeds of Love” class book
Materials Needed: Colored markers/Pencils, different colored and/or patterned paper or fabric, safety scissors/optional. Glue. Poster board pre-cut to size
1. Show your students the Planting Seeds of Love video on so they can see the beautiful collage illustrations created by Johnette Downing.
2. Sing the song with the children. (download the mp3)
3. Ask the children to decide which kind of seed they would plant (and perhaps also where they would plant it). For example: I am planting seeds of care in the world. Or I am planting seeds of friendship in my class.(see sample page below)
4. They would make a picture/collage of that.
5. Collect and make a class book, then sing the book!
Reading and writing exercise, spelling – See attached worksheet
Same as above in JPG format